1. Wertz, James R., “Guidance and Navigation,” Sec. 11.7 in Space Mission Analysis and Design, 2nd edition, ed. by W.J. Larson and J. R. Wertz, Kluwer Academic and Microcosm, 1992.
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3. Collins, J.T., et al., “Autonomous Constellation Maintenance System,” presented at the 10th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, Sept. 1996.
4. Wertz, James R. and Simon Dawson, 1997 Microcosm Directory of Space Technology Data Sources, Kluwer Academic and Microcosm, 1996.
5. Königsmann, Hans J., et al., “Autonomous Orbit Maintenance System,” paper IAA-B-1209P, Acta Astronautica, in press.