1. Passmore,A Hundred Years of Philosophy, 2nd. ed. Penguin (1968) p.437
2. Wisdom, Philosophy and Psycho-Analysis, Black- well (1953). Throughout, I shall use the following abbreviations for Wisdom ’s work: Philosophy and Psycho-Analysis, PPA; Paradox and Discovery, Blackwell (1965), PD; Other Minds, Blackwell (1952), OM; Problems of Mind and Matter, (1934), 2nd. ed. Cambridge University Press (1963), PPM; ‘Proof and Explanation’ unpublished lectures given at the University of Virginia in 1957, VL.
3. For example, by Dilman Induction and Deduction, Blackwell (1973); also Dilman ’Review article: Paradox and Discovery ’ Philosophy 1967. The thought is implicit or explicit in many of the contributions to Bambrough’s anthology, Wisdom: Twelve Essays, Blackwell (1974).
4. This is most thoroughly discussed in VL. See also R.W.Newell, The Concept of Philosophy, Methuen (1967) passim
5. See, for example, those noted in footnote 4.