1. Acker A., Marcout J., Ochsenbein F., Stenholm B., Tylenda R., Schohn C, 1992, The Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae, European Southern Observatory.(SECGPN)
2. Kohoutek L., 1978, IAU Symp.No.76 (ed.Y.Terzian), p.47. (Paper I)
3. Kohoutek L., 1983, IAU Symp.No.103 (ed.D.R.Flower), p. 17. (Paper II)
4. Kohoutek L., 1989, IAU Symp.No.131 (ed.S.Torres-Peimbert), p.29. (Paper III)
5. 5. Kohoutek L., 1993, IAU Symp.No.155 (eds. R. Weinberger, A. Acker)-poster