1. Leon Rosenfeld, “The Wave-Particle Dilemma,” in Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The Physicist’s Conception of Nature (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1987), pp. 251–263, cf. p. 261.
2. Cf. Giora Hon, “The Unnatural Nature of the Laws of Nature: Symmetry and Asymmetry,” in Steven French and Harmke Kamminga (eds.), Correspondence, Invariance, and Heuristics (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993), pp. 171–187, esp. pp. 176f.
3. James Clerk Maxwell, The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, W.D. Niven (ed.) (New York: Dover, 1965), 2 vols., vol. I, pp. 155f.
4. Ibid., p. 156.
5. Op. cit. (note 3), vol. II, p. 218.