1. Annual Report, 1984-85, Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Govt, of India.
2. E.V.R. Sastry, Country Paper on Photovoltaic Regional expert seminar on Solar Photovoltaic technology, UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, June, 1985.
3. Sir William Halcrow and Partners, Small Scale Solar Powered Pumping Systems - UWDP Project, GLO/80/003, June, 1983.
4. P. Basu, K. Mukhopadhyay, T. Banerjee and H. Saha, Field Trial of rural Solar Photovoltaic systems, 4th PUSCEC, Stresa, Italy, 10–14 May,. 1982, D. Reidel Publishing Co. p. 203.
5. H. Saha, B. Faure and S. Senanayak, Proc. US-ASEAN conference on Renewable Energy, Bandung, Hay 1982, p590.