1. G. Chemisky, A. Laugier, Poly-micro-crystalline and amorphous semiconductors Edited by P. Pinard and S. Kalbitzer. Editions de Physique. 1984, pp. 343–351.
2. D. Barbier, G. Chemisky, G. Chaussemy, A. Laugier, same ref. as /1 /. pp. 247–251.
3. J.P. Boyeaux, A. Laugier and R. Ruckteschler. Energy Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing Edited by V.T. Nguyen et A.G. Cullis- Editions de Physique. 1985, pp. 291–297
4. G.Chemisky, A.Laugier, C.Belouet. P.Pinard,same ref.as /l/,pp 101–107.
5. A. Laugier,L. Mayet., J.P. Boyeaux,M. Gavandand B. Montegu Defect Recognition and Image Processing in III-V Compounds Edited by J.P. Fillard.-Elsevler Science Publishers B.Y., 1985 pp. 269–278