1. This is well illustrated by the discussions which unfolded already in connection with the passage of the RSFSR decree “On the Acquisition of Rights of Soviet Citizenship” of 1918, as reported in Protokoly zasedanii Vserosiisskago Tsentral’nago Ispolnitel’nago Komiteta 4–go sozyva, Moscow, 1920, 64–66, and the comments by Chicherin in his capacity as rapporteur on the draft Regulation on Union Citizenship of 1924 at the morning meeting of the 2nd session of the CEC of the USSR, 2nd convocation, on October 24, 1924, reproduced in S.S. Kishkin, Sovetskoe grazhdanstvo, Moscow, 1925, pp. 74–88, at 80–83.
2. V. Durdenevskii, "Zakon o grazhdanstve Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik", Problemy sotsialisticheskogo prava, 1938, No.6, p.65
3. idem, in V.N. Durdenevskii & S.B. Krylov, eds., Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Moscow, 1947, p.187
4. O.E. Polents, in E.A. Korovin, ed., Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Moscow, 1951, pp. 231-232
5. K.Ia. Chizhov, in F.I. Kozhevnikov, ed., Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, Moscow 1957, p.145