1. J. Jensen (1980), ‘Energy Storage’ Butterworths and Co. ( Publishers) Ltd., London.
2. R.H. Turner (1976), ‘High temperature energy thermal storage’ The Franklin Institute Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
3. W.H. Bostick, V. Nardi, and O.S.F. Zucker (1976), ‘Energy storage, Compression, and Switching’ Plenum Press, New York, USA.
4. M. Kamimoto, K. Sakuta, T. Ozawa and R. Sakamoto(1978), ‘Thermal energy storage and thermal energy storage materials’ Electrotechnical Laboratory, 2-Chome, Nagata-Cho, Chiyoda-Vu, Tokyo, Japan.
5. C. Den Ouden (1981), ‘Thermal storage of solar energv’ Proc. Int. INO-Symposium held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 5–6, 1980. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague.