Basic Tense Logic


Burgess John P.


Springer Netherlands

Reference38 articles.

1. Aqvist, K.: 1975, ‘Formal semantics for verb tenses as analyzed by Reichenbach’ in T. A. van Dijk (ed.), Pragmatics of Lanugage and Literature, North Holland, Amsterdam, pp.229–236.

2. Åqvist, L. and Guenthner, F.: 1978, ‘Fundamentals of a theory of verb aspect and events within the setting of an improved tense logic’, in F. Guenthner and C. Rohrer (eds.) Studies in Formal Semantics, North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 167–200.

3. Åqvist, L. and Guenthner, F., (eds): 1977, ‘Tense logic’ (= Logique et Analyse 80).

4. Bull, R. A.: 1968, ‘An algebraic study of tense logic with linear time’, J. Symbolic Logic 33, 27–38.

5. Bull, R. A.: 1978, ‘An approach to tense logic’, Theoria 36, 282–300.

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