1. Tanaka, J. P., Pampillo, C. A., and Low, J. R., Jr., Fractographic Analysis of the Low-Energy Fracture of an Aluminum Alloy, Am. Soc. Testing and Materials, Spec. Tech. Publ. No. 463, 191, 1970.
2. Van Stone, R. H., Merchant, R. H., and Low, J. R., Jr., Investigation of the Plastic Fracture of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys, Am. Soc. Testing and Materials, Spec. Tech. Pub!. No. 556, to be published in 1974.
3. Cox, T. B. and Low, J. R., Jr., An Investigation of the Plastic Fracture of AISI 4340 and 18 Nickel—200 Grade Maraging Steels, to be published in Metallurgical Transactions in 1974.
4. ASTM Standard Test Method E399-72, Vol. 31 of ASTM Standards, 1973.