1. Ninzetic, B. Sur les aspects’ santé publique’ des problèmes de la vision et des maladies, oculaires au Meroc (Essai d’une approche globale devant servir comme base a l’établissement d’un plan d’ensemble dans le domaine de l’ophthalmologic. Unpublished WHO/EURO document, March 1970.
2. Ninzetic, B. Perspectives in Ophthalmology — A Public Health Point of View. Canad. J. Ophthal., 8: 311 (1973).
3. Ninzetic, B. Prevention of ‘Blindness’ — Potentialities of a Systems Analaysis Approach, Acta Ophthalmologica, 52: 134 (1974).
4. Public Health Ophthalmology in the European Region, by Dr. B. Ninzetic, reprinted from Public Health in Europe, No. 2, Wld Hlth Org., Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 1973.
5. The Prevention of Blindness, Report of a WHO Study Group, Wld. Hlth. Or. Techn. Rep. Ser., 1973, No. 518.