1. Berkeley, George, Works (ed. by Alexander Campbell Fraser), 4 vols., Oxford 1901.
2. Boyer, Carl B., The History of Calculus and Its Conceptual Development (The Concepts of Calculus), Dover Publications, 1959. Published originally as The Concepts of Calculus, Hafner Publishing Company, 1949.
3. Boyer, Carl B., The History of the Calculus, An Overview. Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom, Thirty-first Yearbook. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Washington D.C., 1969, pp. 376–402.
4. Boyer, Carl B., A History of Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1968.
5. Cajori, Florian, ‘Discussion of Fluxions: From Berkeley to Woodhouse’, American Mathematical Monthly 24 (1917) 145–153.