1. Graham Priest: Inconsistencies in Motion, American Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 22, No.4, October 1985, p.339.
2. Roderick Chisholm: Beginnings and Endings, in: Peter van Inwagen (ed.): Time and Cause, Dordrecht 1980, p. 17.
3. David Bostock: Plato on Change and Time in the ‘Parmenides’, Phronesis 1978, p.238.
4. Brian Medlin: The Origin of Motion, Mind April 1963, p.155.
5. A11 talk of rest and motion in what follows is talk about rest and motion with respect to some freely chosen reference frame. With this in mind we can forget about Special and General Relativity for the rest of the book. As will be seen, the prominence of the change between rest and motion is a bit of a problem, since here the question of how to define rest and motion is involved and makes this change an exceptionally complicated example.