1. Benedict JV, Harris EH and von Rosenberg DU (1970) An analytical investigation of the cavitation hypothesis of brain damage. Trans Amer Soc Mech Eng, J Basic Eng D92: 597.
2. Benjamin TB and Ellis AT (1966) The collapse of cavitation bubbles and the pressures thereby produced against solid boundaries. Philosophical Trans Royal Soc London A260: 221–240.
3. Burrill LC (1951) Sir Charles Parsons and cavitation, 1950 Parsons memorial lecture. Trans Inst Marine Engineers 63: 149–167.
4. Cramer E (1978) Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Schallabstrahlung von Kavitationsblasenfeldern. PhD dissertation Göttingen (see also this volume).
5. Cramer E (1980) The dynamics and acoustic emission of bubbles driven by a sound field. See [13], pp 54–63.