1. Carter, W. E. and Vincenty, T.: 1978, “Survey of the McDonald Observatory Radial Line Scheme by Relative Lateration Techniques” NOAA Technical Report NOS 74 NGS 9•
2. Dorman, J. H. and Latham, G. V.: 1976, “Preliminary Geophysical and Geological Site Survey of the Region of the McDonald Observatory, West Texas” Final Technical Report, NASA Contract NGS 7159.
3. Robertson, D. S., Carter, W. E., Corey, B. E., Counselman, C. C., Shapiro, I. I., Wittels, J. J., Hinteregger, H. F., Knight, C. A., Rogers, A. E. E., Whitney, A. R., Ryan, J. W., Clark, T. A., Coates, R. J., Ma, C. and Moran, J. M.: 1979, this volume.