1. Bashmakova I. G., 1981, Arithmetic of algebraic curves from Diophantus to Poincaré. Historia Mathematica
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2. Bashmakova I. G., and Slavutin E. I., 1984, History of Diophantine Analysis from Diophantus to Fermat. Moscow: Nauka. [In Russian].
3. Bashmakova I. G., 1984, Indeterminate equations and their role in the development of algebra. Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznanija i Tekhniki
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4. Bashmakova I. G., 1986, The main stages in the development of algebra. Istorija i metodologija estestvennykh nauk
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5. Bashmakova I. G., 1987, Diophantine equations and the evolution of algebra. Intern. Congr. of Math., Berkely, California, pp. 1612–1629. [In Russian]; English Transl. by A. Shenitzer and H. Grant: Amer. Math. Soc. Transi. (2) Vol. 147, 1990, pp. 85–100.