1. R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, Periodic solutions to nonlinear integral equations on the infinite interval modelling infectious disease, Nonlinear Analysis 40 (2000), 21–35.
2. R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, A fixed point theorem of Leggett Williams type with applications to single and multivalued equations, to appear.
3. R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, Fixed point theory for self maps between Fréchet spaces, to appear.
4. R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, Existence theory for single and multiple periodic and almost periodic solutions of nonlinear integral equations, to appear.
5. R.P. Agarwal, D. O’Regan and P.J.Y. Wong, Positive solutions of differential, difference and integral equations, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998.