1. Dummett, Michael: 1981a, Frege: Philosophy of Language, Duckworth, London, p. 661.
2. Dummett: 198la, p. xxxi.
3. Russell, Bertrand: 1946, A History of Western Philosophy,Allen and Unwin, London, p. 858, for example.
4. Sluga, Hans: 1980, Gottlob Frege,Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, pp. 41–42; Dummett 1981a, p. xxxi.
5. Frege, Gottlob: 1979, Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence, Blackwell, Oxford, p. 52, cited as PMC within the text. I cite as BW the German edition Frege: 1976, Nachgelassene Schriften und Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel, vol. 2, Meiner, Hamburg; and as PW Frege: 1979, Posthumous Writings, Blackwell, Oxford.