1. Further detail, with photographs, is given in Provenzano, J., Scott, P.B., and Zweig, R. (1996) Demonstration of Fleet Trucks Fueled with PV Hydrogen, HYDROGEN ENERGY PROGRESS XI, Proceedings of the
World Hydrogen Energy Conference, International Association of Hydrogen Energy;
to be published also in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
2. Van Blarigan, P. (1996) Development of a Hydrogen Fujeled Internal Combustion Engine Designed for Single Speed/Power Operation, Society of Automotive Engineers Paper 961690.
3. Smith, J. R. (1993) The Hydrogen Hybrid Option, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report UCRL-JC-115425.
4. Hunter, R. & Elliot, G. (1994) Wind-Diesel Systems, Cambridge Press (1994).
5. VanCamp, J. (1996) Hydrogen and the Northern Canadian Energy System, Proc. 11th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, International Association of Hydrogen Energy.