1. Anon (1950) The birth of genetics. Genetics, 35(Suppl.); C. Stern and E. Sherwood (1966) The Origins of Genetics: A Mendel Source Book, W. H. Freeman, San Francisco; R. Olby (1985) Origins of Mendelism, University of Chicago Press, London — describe the background to Mendel’s experiments.
2. J. A. Peters (1959) Classic Papers in Genetics, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA — includes Mendel’s paper.
3. J. R. S. Fincham (1990) Mendel — now down to the molecular level. Nature, 343, 208–209 — describes the molecular basis to the round-wrinkled phenotype.
4. W. M. Watkins (1966) Blood-group substances. Science, 152, 172–181 — provides some information on blood types.
5. S. Blixt (1975) Why didn’t Gregor Mendel find linkage? Nature, 256, 206.