1. K. E. Peress and A. Schwartz, “Tracking Error Analysis of a Range Ship”, Sperry Engineering Review, Fall 1962. The accuracy with which a shipboard tracking system can determine the position and velocity of a space vehicle, missile, or aircraft is derived. Discusses formulation of tracking mission requirements, target model and tracking conditions, analytical procedures for combining the error contributions, and the system error model. Explains the presentation of results as parametric curves.
2. A. S. Locke, et al., Guidance, ed., G. Merril, Van Nostrand, 1957. An excellent in-depth technical treatise on guided missiles and related topics.
3. R. B. Dow, Fundamentals of Advanced Missiles, Wiley, 1958. A Useful engineering reference covering many subjects on a first principle basis. Recommended in its entirety for follow-on to the material of this chapter.
4. M. I. Skolnik, ed., Radar Handbook McGraw-Hill, 1969. An in-depth technical handbook on radar and related topics.
5. M. I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1962. A detailed reference on radar systems.