1. Reddy, J. N., Mechanics of Laminated Composite Structures: Theory and Analysis, Lecture Notes, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, October 1988, also see Chapters 14 and 15 in: Finite Element Analysis for Engineering Design, J. N. Reddy, C. S. Krishna Moorthy, and K. N. Seetharamu (eds.), Vol. 37, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1988).
2. Reddy, J. N., Energy and Variational Methods in Applied Mechanics, John Wiley, New York (1984).
3. Khdeir, A. A., Reddy, J. N., and Librescu, L., “Levy Type solutions for Symmetrically Laminated Rectangular Plates Using First-Order Shear Deformation Theory,” Journal of Applied Mechanics, 54, pp. 640–642 (1987).
4. Reddy, J. N. and Khdeir, A. A., “Buckling and Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates Using Various Plate Theories,” AIAA Journal, 27 (12), pp. 1808–1817 (1989).
5. Nosier, A. and Reddy, J. N., “On Vibration and Buckling of Symmetric Laminated Plates According to Shear Deformation Theories,” Acta Mechanica, in press.