1. P. Kartaschoff, Frequency and Time, Academic Press, London, 1978.
2. M. Ohtsu, Lasers and Atomic Clocks, Ohm-sha Publishing, Tokyo, 1986 (in Japanese).
3. M. Ohtsu, Technology for Light Emitting and Detecting Devices for Fiber Sensor, Chapter 3 in Optical Fiber Sensor, ed. by T. Okoshi, Ohm-sha Publishing, Tokyo, 1986 (in Japanese).
4. K. Yoshimura, Y. Koga, and N. Oura, Frequency and Time, Inst. Electronics, Communication and Electric Engineer of Japan. Tokyo, 1989 (in Japanese).
5. D. W. Allan, “Statistics of atomic frequency standards”, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 54 (1966) pp. 221–230.