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2. Edwards, D. B. G. ‘The Design and Operation of a Parallel-type Cathode-Ray-Tube Storage System’, Proc.I.E.E., 103, Part B, Supplement No. 2 (Convention on Digital Computer Techniques), pp. 319–26 (1956).
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4. Williams, F. C., Kilburn, T., Litting, C. N. W., Edwards, D. G. B. and Hoffman, G. R. ‘Recent Advances in Cathode Ray Storage’, Proc. I.E.E., 100 Part II, pp. 523–43 (1953).
5. Jensen, A. S., Smith, J. P., Mesner, M. H. and Flory, L. E. ‘The Barrier Grid Storage Tube and Its Operation’, R.C.A. Review, 9, pp. 112–23 (1948).