1. Etnografiska Musset, publication 14;K Akerblom,1968
2. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin No. 150;E Beaglehole,1938
3. Behrens, C. F. (1908). Der Wohlversüchte Süd-Länder, das ist: Ausfürliche Reise-Beschreibung um die Welt. Trans. In B. G. Corney (Ed.), The voyage of captain Don Felipe González in the ship of the line San Lorenzo, with the Frigate Santa Rosalía in Company, to Easter Island in 1770–1771 (Hakluyt Society Publication, Second Series, No. 13, pp. 131–137). Cambridge: Hakluyt Society.
4. Bellwood, P. (1978). The Polynesians. Prehistory of an island people. London: Thames and Hudson.
5. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin No. 80;WC Bennett,1931