1. MS Dublin Chester Beatty 3673 and MS Cairo Dār al-Kutub mīqāt 108 (complete copies of the Cairo corpus of tables for timekeeping).
2. MS Leiden Cod. Or. 143 and MS Oxford Hunt. 331 (major fragments of al-Zīj al-kabīr al-ḥākimī). MS Paris B.N. ar. 2496 (anonymous abridgment constituting the sole source for some additional chapters).
3. Caussin de Perceval, A. P. (1804). Le livre de la grande table Hakémite. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, 7, 16–240.
4. King, D. A. (1973). Ibn Yūnus very useful tables for reckoning time by the Sun. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 10, 342–94 (Rpt. in D. A. King. Islamic Mathematical Astronomy. London, 1986. 2nd rev. ed. Aldershot: Variorum, 1993. IX).
5. King, D. A. (1976). Ibn Yūnus. In Dictionary of scientific biography (Vol. 14, pp. 574–80). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.