1. D. R. Doner and R. C. Novak, “Structural Behavior of Laminated Graphite Filament Composites,” 24th Annual Technical Conference, The Society of Plastics Industry, 1969. paper No. 2-D.
2. I. M. Daniel, T. Liber and C. C. Chamis, “Measurement of Residual Strains in Boron/Epoxy and Glass/Epoxy Laminates,” presented at the Composite Reliability Conference, ASTM, Las Vegas, Nevada, April, 1974.
3. C. C. Chamis and T. L. Sullivan, “A Computational Procedure to Analyze Metal Matrix Laminates with Nonlinear Lamination Residual Strains,” presented at the Composite Reliability Conference, ASTM, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1974.
4. B. E. Kaminski, G. H. Lemon and E. L. McKague, “Development of Engineering Data for Advanced Composite Materials,” Air Force Materials Laboratory, AFML-TR-70–108, Vol. I, October 1972.
5. Development of Engineering Data on the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Advanced Composite Materials,“ Air Force Materials Laboratory, AFML-TR-72–205, Part I, September 1972.