1. J.M. Cohen, Trace Metal Removal by Wastetreatment, USEPA Technology Transfer, Jan., 1977.
2. J.G. Kremer and J.D. Thomas, The Industrial Waste Program of Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, Water Pollution Control Federation Highlights, 14; Aug., 1978.
3. Municipal Wastewater Reuse News, American Water Ways Research Foundation 6: 6, Denver, Colorado, Mar., 1978.
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, State and Local Pre-treatment Programs, EPA 430 19–76–0176, Washington, D.C., Jan., 1977.
5. R.D. Neufeld, J. Gutierrez, and R.A. Novak, “A Kinetic Model and Equilibrium Relationship for Heavy Metal Accumulation”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, Vol. 49, No. 3, Part 1, pp. 489–498, Mar., 1977.