1. S. D. Stookey, J. S. Olcott, H. M. Garfinkel andD. L. Rothermel, “Advances in Glass Technology” (Plenum, New York, 1962) p. 397.
2. P. W. McMillan, “Glass-Ceramics” (Academic, New York, 1964).
3. J. J. Hammel, in “Advances in Nucleation and Crystallization in Glasses”, edited by L. L. Hench and S. W. Freiman (American Ceramic Society, Columbus, Ohio, 1971) p. 1.
4. R. Roy,J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.
43 (1960) 670.
5. E. A. Porai-Koshits, in “Phase Separation of Glasses”, edited by O. V. Mazurin and E. A. Porai-Koshits (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) p. 111.