Effects of a nutrition intervention on acute and late bowel symptoms and health-related quality of life up to 24 months post radiotherapy in patients with prostate cancer: a multicentre randomised controlled trial


Forslund MarinaORCID,Ottenblad Anna,Ginman Claes,Johansson Silvia,Nygren Peter,Johansson Birgitta


Abstract Purpose Radiotherapy to the prostate gland and pelvic lymph nodes may cause acute and late bowel symptoms and diminish quality of life. The aim was to study the effects of a nutrition intervention on bowel symptoms and health-related quality of life, compared with standard care. Methods Patients were randomised to a nutrition intervention (n = 92) aiming to replace insoluble fibres with soluble and reduce intake of lactose, or a standard care group (n = 88) who were recommended to maintain their habitual diet. Bowel symptoms, health-related quality of life and intake of fibre and lactose-containing foods were assessed up to 24 months after radiotherapy completion. Multiple linear regression was used to analyse the effects of the nutrition intervention on bowel symptoms during the acute (up to 2 months post radiotherapy) and the late (7 to 24 months post radiotherapy) phase. Results Most symptoms and functioning worsened during the acute phase, and improved during the late phase in both the intervention and standard care groups. The nutrition intervention was associated with less blood in stools (p = 0.047), flatulence (p = 0.014) and increased loss of appetite (p = 0.018) during the acute phase, and more bloated abdomen in the late phase (p = 0.029). However, these associations were clinically trivial or small. Conclusions The effect of the nutrition intervention related to dietary fibre and lactose on bowel symptoms from pelvic RT was small and inconclusive, although some minor and transient improvements were observed. The results do not support routine nutrition intervention of this type to reduce adverse effects from pelvic radiotherapy.



Uppsala universitet medicinska fakulteten

Regionala forskningsrådet i Uppsala-Örebro regionen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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