1. Botbol, J. M.et al., 1977. Characteristic analysis of geochemical exploration data: U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Report no. 77-349, 55p.
2. Cargill, S. M., and Clark, A. L. eds., 1977 [papers presented at IGCP Project 98, Loen, Norway, on resource reserve assessments methods]: Mathematical Geology, v. 9, no. 3 (special issue), 337 p.
3. Longe, R. V. (chairman)et. al., 1977. Computer-based files on mineral deposits: guidelines and recommended standards for data content (edited by C. F. Burk, Jr.): Report of the Mineral Deposits Working Committee (NACRGS), 74p.
4. Vallee, Jacqueset. al., 1977, Computer conferencing in the geosciences: Institute for the Future Report, 85 p.