1. M. Salcudean and R.I. L. Guthrie: Met. Trans. B, 1978, vol. 9B, p. 181.
2. A. T. Peters: I. & S. M., 1977, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 26
3. B. E. Launder, A. D. Gosman and J. H. Whitelaw: “Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer in Turbulent Recirculating Flows—Predictions and Measurements,” Lecture notes, McGill University, Montreal, 1976.
4. B. E. Launder and D. B. Spalding: Mathematical Models of Turbulence, Academic Press, London and New York, 1972.
5. J. Szekely, H. J. Wang and K. M. Riser: Met. Trans. B, 1976, vol. 7B, p. 287.