1. Z.P. Bažant, in Fracture of Concrete and Rock, Proceedings of SEM-RILEM International Conference, Houston, June, 1987, S.P. Shah and S.E. Swartz (eds.), Springer-Verlag, NY (1989) 229–241; also Preprints, published by Society for Experimental Mechanics (1987) 390–402.
2. Z.P. Bažant and P.A. Pfeiffer, ACI Material Journal 84 (6) (1987) 468–480.
3. Z.P. Bažant, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 110 (4) (1984) 518–35.
4. Z.P. Bažant, in Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Seminar, Tokyo, 1985, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, C. Meyer and H. Okamura (eds.), ASCE, New York (1986) 121–150.
5. RILEM, Materials and Structures 18 (106) (1985) 285–290.