1. T. TASOVAC, R. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, R. J. DRAŠKOVIĆ, A. FILIP, V. VUKUMIROVIĆ, M. RADOJČIĆ, R. VUKOTIĆ, Proc. on IAEA Sympl. Isotopes in Hydrology 1970, Vienna, 1970, p. 497.
2. R. J. DRAŠKOVIĆ, R. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, T. TASOVAC, Proc. on IAEA Symp. Nuclear Techniques in Environmental Pollution, Vienna, 1971 p. 329.
3. R. J. DRAŠKOVIĆ, R. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, T. TASOVAC, M. ZARIĆ, Proc. on iAEA Symp. Nuclear Activation Techniques in Life Sciences, Vienna, 1972, p. 287.
4. R. RADOSAVLJEVIĆ, Geochemistry of Fe, Co and Cr in the Danube River in System Water-Sediment, Water-Suspended Material and Water-Biocomponent, Beograd, 1975, Thesis.
5. R. J. DRAŠKOVIĆ, Investigation of Geochemical Characteristics of Components of Some Natural Water Systems by Non-Destructive Radioactivation Analysis, Beograd, 1978, Thesis.