1. P. Borras, D. Clément, Th. Despeyroux, J. Incerpi, G. Kahn, B. Lang, and V. Pascual. CENTAUR: The system. In Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT '88: Third Symposium on Software Development Environments, pages 14–24, Boston, November 1988. Appeared as SIGPLAN Notices 24(2) and Software Engineering Notes 13(5).
2. L. J. Bass, B. M. Clapper, E. J. Hardy, R. N. Kazman, and R. C. Seacord. Serpent: A user interface environment. In Proceedings of the Winter 1990 USENIX Technical Conference, Washington D. C., January 1990.
3. Gerard Boudier, Ferdinando Gallo, Regis Minot, and Ian Thomas. An overview of PCTE and PCTE+. In Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT '88: Third Symposium on Software Development Environments, pages 248–257, November 1988. Appeared as SIGPLAN Notices 24(2) and Software Engineering Notes 13(5).
4. John N. Buxton and Vic Stenning. Requirements for Ada programming support environments “Stoneman”. Department of Defense, February 1980.
5. Martin R. Cagan. The HP SoftBench environment: An architecture for a new generation of software tools. Hewlett-Packard Journal, 41(3):36–47, June 1990.