1. S. B. DOUGLAS and H. G. JAMES, ?Radiation Damage in Solids? (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1960).
2. M. TOMOZAWA and R. H. DOREMUS, ?Treatise on Material Science and Technology?, Vol. 17 (Academic Press, New York, 1979).
3. M. A. FADEL, S. K. YOUSSEF, A. A. SALAMA, A. M. HASHAD and W. G. OSIRIS,Radiat. Effects (to be published).
4. M. A. FADEL, A. A. EL-SAID, A. M. NASSAR and W. G. OSIRIS, in Proceedings of the First Egyptian-British Conference on Biophysics, Cairo University, Egypt, 26?28 October (1987).
5. M. A. FADEL,Radiat. Effects 29 (1976) 211.