1. Sten Agerholm. Formalizing a proof of coherence for monoidal categories. Draft manuscript, available from //ftp.ifad.dk/pub/users/sten, December 1995.
2. Michael Barr and Charles Wells. Category Theory for Computing Science. Prentice Hall, 1990.
3. Ilya Beylin and Peter Dybjer. Extracting a proof of coherence for monoidal categories from a formal proof of normalization for monoids. In Stefano Berardi and Mario Coppo, editors, TYPES’ 95, LNCS, 1996. To appear.
4. J. Camilleri and T. Melham. Reasoning with inductively defined relations in the HOL theorem prover. Technical Report No. 265, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, August 1992.
5. Thierry Coquand. Pattern matching with dependent types. In Proceedings of The 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs, June 1992.