1. Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, CM Fortran Reference Manual, Version 2.1 Beta (December 1992).
2. S. Wholey and Guy L. Steele, Jr., Connection Machine Lisp: A Dialect of Common Lisp for Data Parallel Programming, Proc. of the Second Int’l Conf. on Supercomputing (1987).
3. Guy E. Blelloch, Jonathan C. Hardwick, Jay Sipelstien, Marco Zahga, and Siddhartha Chatterjee, Implementation of a Portable Nested Data-Parallel Language, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 21(1):4–14 (April 1994).
4. Michael Metcalf and John Reid, Fortran 90 Explained, Oxford University Press (1990).
5. HPF Committee, High Performance Fortran Terms and Concepts, Fortran Forum, Vol. 12, No. 4 (December 1993).