1. V. V. Pustovalov, V. I. Startsev, D. A. Didenko, and V. S. Fomenko,Fiz. Metal. Metalloved. 23, 312 (1967) [English transl.,Phys. Metals Metallogr. 23 (2), 121 (1967)].
2. V. I. Startsev, V. V. Pustovalov, and V. S. Fomenko,Trans. Jap. Inst. Metals Suppl. 9, 843 (1968).
3. V. I. Startsev, V. V. Pustovalov, V. P. Soldatov, V. S. Fomenko, and T. I. Vainblat, inProceedings of the Second International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys (American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1970), Vol. I, p. 219.
4. G. A. Alers, O. Buck, and B. R. Tittmann, inProceedings of the Second International Conference on the Strength of Metals and Alloys (American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1970), Vol. I, p. 368.
5. M. Suenaga and J. M. Galligan, to be published inPhysical Acoustics, W. P. Mason, ed. (Academic Press, New York), Vol. IX.