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2. K. Haldrup, T. Harlang, M. Christensen, A. Dohn, T.B. van Driel, K.S. Kjær, N. Harrit, J. Vibenholt, L. Guerin, M. Wulff et al., Inorg. Chem. 50, 9329 (2011)
3. K. Haldrup, M. Christensen, M.M. Nielsen, Acta Crystallographica A 66, 261 (2010)
4. A. Dohn, N. Harrit, Structural Investigations of the Tetracyanoplatinate(II) Complex and its Oligomers, Using Electronic Structure Calculations, Emission Spectroscopy, and Solution X-ray Scattering (Denmark, Copenhagen, 2010)
5. T.B. van Driel, N. Harrit, Time-Resolved Structural Analysis of Rh
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