1. Pierre Conté, Écriture, Arts et Mouvement, Paris (1931)
2. Noa Eshkol with Michal Shoshnani and Moody Dagan, Movement Notations, a comparativ study of Labanotation (Kinetography Laban) and Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation The Movement Notation Society, Tel Aviv (1979)
3. Raoul-Auger Feuillet, L’Art de décrire la dance par signes démonstratifs…Paris, 1700.Ann Hutchinson, Dance Notation, the process of recording movement on paper, Dance Books, London (1984)
4. Eliane Mirzabekiantz, Grammaire de la notation Benesh, Centre national de la danse, Pantin (2000)
5. Michèle Nadal, Grammaire de la Notation Conté, Centre national de la danse, Pantin (2010)