1. Australian Bureau of Statistics: Catalogue No. 2505.0, Multicultural Australia, Ian Castles (Australian Statistician), Australian Government Service.
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics: Catalogue No. 2506.0, Census of Population and Housing, 30 June 1986: Census 86 - Australian Families and Households, Ian Castles (Australian Statistician), Australian Government Publishing Service.
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4. Befu, Harumi (1980), "Structural and Motivational Approaches to Social Exchange" in Social Exchange: Advances in Theory and Research, Kenneth J. Gergen, Martin S. Greenberg, and Richard H. Willis (eds.), New York: Plenum Press, 197-213.
5. Belk, Russell W. (1979), "Gift-Giving Behavior", in Research in Marketing, Vol 2., Jagdish Sheth (ed.), Greenwich CT: JAI, 95-126.