1. Beletsky, V. V. (1972) Essays on the Motion of Cosmic Bodies (Nauka Publishers, Moscow) (in Russian)
2. Danby, J. (1962) Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics (Macmillan, New York)
3. Kozai, Y. (1962) “Secular perturbations of asteroids with high inclination and eccentricity.” Astron. J., 67, 591–598
4. Lidov, M. L. (1961) “Evolution of artificial planetary satellites under the action of gravitational perturbations due to external bodies.” Iskusstviennye Sputniki Zemli (Artificial Satellites of the Earth), 8, 5–45 (in Russian)
5. Lidov, M. L. (1962) “The evolution of orbits of artificial satellites of planets under the action of gravitational perturbations of external bodies.” Planet. Space Sci., 9, 719–759 (An English translation of Lidov’s (1961) article.)