Springer International Publishing
Reference41 articles.
1. Smerieri, Anteo, François Duport, Yvan Paquot, Benjamin Schrauwen, Marc Haelterman, and Serge Massar. 2012. Analog readout for opticalreservoir computers. In Advances in neural information processing systems, 944–952.
2. Duport, François, Anteo Smerieri, Akram Akrout, Marc Haelterman, and Serge Massar. 2016. Fully analogue photonic reservoir computer. Scientific Report 6: 22381.
3. Vinckier, Quentin, Arno Bouwens, Marc Haelterman, and Serge Massar. 2016. Autonomous all-photonic processor based on reservoir computingparadigm. In Conference on lasers and electro-optics. Optical Societyof America. SF1F.1.
4. Antonik, Piotr, Marc Haelterman, and Serge Massar. 2017. Brain-inspiredphotonic signal processor for generating periodic patterns and emulatingchaotic systems. Physical Review Applied 7: 054014.
5. Antonik, Piotr, Michiel Hermans, Marc Haelterman, and Serge Massar. 2017. Random pattern and frequency generation using a photonic reservoircomputer with output feedback. Neural Processing Letters: 1–14.