1. American Federationist. 1937. Fair Labor Standards Bill. American Federationist 44(July): 709–726.
2. American Federationist. 1938. Wages and hours law. American Federationist 45(October, November and December): 1102–1103, 1197–1202, 1327–1330.
3. Armstrong, Barbara N. 1932. Insuring the essentials. Minimum wage plus social insurance—A living wage program. New York: Macmillan.
4. Barkin, Solomon. 1940. Industrial union wage policies. Plan Age 6(January): 1–14.
5. Barkin, Solomon. 1944. Substandard conditions of living: A study of the cost of the emergency sustenance budget in five textile manufacturing communities in January–February 1944. Textile Workers Union of America Research Department Report.