1. Bellinger, D.N. and Humberto Valencia (1982), "Understanding the Hispanic Market," Business Horizons, 25 (May-June) pp. 47–50.
2. Bureau of the Census (1989), "The Hispanic Population in the United States," Current Population Reports,Series P-20, p. 7.
3. Cervantes, F. J. (1980), "The Forgotten Consumers: The Mexican-Americans" in 1980 AMA Proceedings, Ed. Richard Bagozzi, et al, pp. 180–83.
4. Deshpande, R. and W. D. Hoyer (1983), "Profiling the Mexican-American Consumer: An Empirical Study of Attitudes Toward Business and Government and Hispanic Consumption Patterns," IC2report, The University of Texas at Austin.
5. Desphande, R., W. D. Hoyer, and S. Jeffries (1982), "Low Involvement Decision Processes: The Importance of Choice Tactics," in AMA Theory Conference Proceedings, Chicago, American Marketing Association.