1. Kessler, G.C.: Defenses against distributed denial of service attacks. Available at http://www.garykessler.net/library/ddos.html . Also included in Bosworth, S., Kabay, M.E., Whyne, E. (eds.) Computer Security Handbook. John Wiley & Sons, March 2014
2. Hardaker, W., Kindred, D., Ostrenga, R., Sterne, D., Thomas, R.: Justification and requirements for a national DDoS defense technology evaluation facility. NAL Report #02-052, Network Associates Laboratories, Rockville, MD, July 2002
3. NSF workshop on network research testbeds. Workshop Report, October 2002. http://gaia.cs.umass.edu/testbed_workshop
4. Balenson, D., Tinnel, L., Benzel, T.: Cybersecurity experimentation of the future (CEF): catalyzing a new generation of experimental cybersecurity research. Available at http://cyberexperimentation.org
5. Dingledine, R., Mathewson, N., Syverson, P.: Tor: the second-generation onion router. In: Proceedings of the 13th USENIX Security Symposium, August 2004