1. ISO/IEC 10118-1 (3rd edn.): Information technology — Security techniques — Hash-functions — Part 1: General (2000)
2. ISO/IEC 10118-3 (3rd edn.): Information technology — Security techniques — Hash-functions — Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions (2004)
3. ISO/IEC 14888-1 (2nd edn.): Information technology — Security techniques — Digital signatures with appendix — Part 1: General (2008)
4. ISO/IEC 14888-3 (2nd edn.): Information technology — Security techniques — Digital signatures with appendix — Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms (2006)
5. N13975 Text of ISO/IEC 3rd WD for 3rd edition of 14888-3: Information technology — Security techniques — Digital signatures with appendix — Part 3: Discrete logarithm based mechanisms (2014)