1. AGA Commonwealth Conference. 1991. Assemblies of God Commonwealth Conference Minutes of Meeting—28th Biennial Conference, 22–26. Sydney: Darling Harbour Convention Centre, April.
2. AGA Women’s Ministries. June 1993. 29th Biennial AOG National Conference: Women’s Ministries Representation. Women with Impact: 8.
3. Alcorn, Wayne. Oct 1994. Committed to Discipleship: Youth Alive. Australian Evangel—Special Edition: 30–31.
4. Assemblies of God in Australia. Jan 1980. Christian Life Centre—Sydney. Australian Evangel 37 (1): 12.
5. Assemblies of God in Australia Commonwealth Executive. Jan/Feb 1973. Official Statement: Demon Possession of Christians—Prostrations—Dancing Before the Lord. Australian Evangel 30 (1): 5.