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2. F. A. Sergerie and N. B. Bryson. Reduction of ingot bottom “bowing and bumping ” in large sheet ingot casting. In Light Metals, pages 587–590, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, USA, 1974.
3. H. Yu. A process to reduce DC ingot butt curl and swell. In K. J. McMinn, editor, Light Metals, pages 613–628, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1980.
4. W. Droste and W. Schneider. Einfluß der Angießbedindungen auf die Fußgeometrie bei Aluminiumwalzbarren. In Edgar Lossack, editor, Strangießen, pages 143–158, Deutsche Gesellshaft für Materialkunde, Oberursel, Germany, 1991.
5. W. Schneider, E. K. Jensen, and B. Carrupt. Development of a new starting block shape for d.c. casting of aluminium sheet ingots. Part I: Experimental results. In Light Metals, 1995. (This volume).